Arithmos II - Evolution of Analysis
- From: Wednesday, August 8, 2001, 3:00 pm
- To: Thursday, August 9, 2001, 1:00 pm.
- Location: Hillsdale, NY
- Reading List: Our readings were from Ron Calinger's book
Classics of Mathematics.
- Taylor, from Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa,
Calinger, reading 81, pp. 466-468.
- Berkeley, from The Analyst,
Calinger, reading 82, pp. 471-474.
- Maclaurin, from Treatise of Fluxions,
Calinger, reading 83, pp. 476-478.
- Cauchy, 3 excerpts,
Calinger, readings 102-104, pp. 599-603.
Last modified: September 6, 2001.
Rob Bradley /