Arguments for my position:

            Argument #1: Schools and institutions should have more programs in order to tame the amount of cyber bullying that is occurring, especially in lower grades where kids are immature.
                         - "The percentage of public schools reporting that students engaged in online bullying on or off campus at least once a week increased 4.1 percentage points between the 2009–10 and 2015–16 school years. At schools with at least 1,000 students, the increase was 8.1 points. In 2016, about one-third of middle and high school students between 12 and 17 years old said they had been cyber bullied." (Ladika, 2018).
                         - "School officials said they are making counselors available at Surfside for students, faculty and staff." (Associated Press, 2018).


            Argument #2:  Parents should be watching what their kids are doing on the Internet at a young age and be able to develop good open relationships with their children.
After the collection of data, poor parent-child communication and being a cyber bullying victim are related. (Boniel-Nissim, 2017).
                    - "Reports of cyber bullying among K-12 students — either at school or away from school — are on the rise." (Ladika, 2018).


               Argument #3: Children are harming themselves due to cyber bullying.
                   - Victims as young as 8 years old have taken their lives after suffering mean-spirited rumors and personal attacks posted on social media sites (Ladika, 2108).
                   - Investigators were made aware of the potential cyber bullying against the 12 year old girl while looking into her death, which led them to examine several cellphones and social media accounts (Associated Press, 2018).



Ladika, Susan. “Bullying and Cyber Bullying” CQ Researcher Feb. 2018: pg. 1. Web. Oct. 8th. 2018.

Boniel-Nissim, Meyran & Sasson, Hagit. “Bullying victimization and poor relationships with parents as risk factors of problematic internet use in adolescence” Computers in Behavior Nov. 2017: 176-183. Ebscohost. Web. Oct. 8. 2018.

The Associated Press. “2 12-year-olds arrested for cyber bullying in connection with suicide of 12-year-old girl” abc news, Jan 25. 2018, p. 1-3. Oct. 8th. 2018