Arguments against my position

 Argument #1: Some parents may just tell their kids to just delete their accounts and they will be okay. Although many people believe that deleting your social media or accounts will resolve the problem of someone being cyber bullied, it will not.

    - It gives the bully an opportunity to do other things like make a fake profile and pretend to be you or bully in person (Inserrsa, 2018).

     -Deleting your social media accounts can give children a sense of isolation from the rest of the world, being that today’s world is centered over the Internet and technology (Inserra, 2018).

Argument #2:  Some people still say that being a victim of cyber bullying is not as bad as regular bullying. They say since there are no other people around to see their reactions and the pain (mentally or physically) that it is less humiliating and easier to deal with.

    - This shift from face-to-face communication to online communication has created a unique and potentially harmful dynamic for social relationship, which is only becoming worse because of our rapid technological advancements. Cyber bullying can be just as bad as face to face bullying as the victim is vulnerable 24/7 and has no safe haven (Nixon, 2014).
    -  "
Perpetrators of cyber bullying do not see the faces of their targets, and subsequently may not understand the full consequences of their actions, thereby decreasing important feelings of personal accountability. This has often been referred to in the literature as the “disinhibition effect.”"(Nixon, 2014).


Nixon, Charisse L. “Current Perspectives: the Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescent Health.” Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, Dove Medical Press, 1 Aug. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2018.

Inserra, Joanna. Cyber Bullying:” Weebly, Oct. 8th. 2018.