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Get well soon Mommy!                                 class.html                   2 hearts

Remember when:
1. You drove me back and fourth to school everyday
2. How you  used  to  help me with my homework
3. How we used to go clothes shopping and I used to be a pain about it... I'm so sorry!
4. Mommy, do you remeber all the vacations we took together to Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, and all the cruises... they were a blast
5.  How Steph, Rachel and I used to be nosey and listen in on your phone conversations with Susan... It was all in good fun
6. Remeber all the great themed parties you through for us throughout the years
7.We went dress shopping for the Bat Mitzvah, Sweet Sixteen, and Prom
8.You are such a great Friend, Daughter, and most of all Mother
9. I love you More than anyone else in the World
10. So Get well soon so we can continue to make more wonderful memories together!
mother and daughter with contrast                                                                                                                                                                              

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