CSC 480 Capstone Project

Spring 2010

Dr. Stephen Bloch
203 Post Hall
Web page
Class Web page
Office hours M 1:00-4:00, TTh 12:00-3:00
Class meetings MWF 12:00-12:50 PM
January 25, 2010

senior standing; open only to CSC and CMIS majors.
Course description:

This "capstone" course requires students to apply their classroom work to one or more substantial real-world problems, typically through teams of students researching, proposing, designing, implementing, and reporting on solutions to specific information systems problems. This course requires completion of a major computer science project (involving approximately 15 hrs/week of work). Students may find their own project, within or outside the school; otherwise a project will be assigned.

To help the University measure how well its General Education program is working, Adelphi professors from a variety of departments may read sample projects from this course after the course ends. They won't see your name, and the results will have no effect on your grade.

Tentative Schedule
Grading / Deliverables
Readings as necessary to complete the project. This may involve consulting previous course materials, textbooks, the library, and reliable online sources.
Special Accommodations:
According to the University Statement on Accommodations or Adaptations Needed: If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Disability Services, 3rd floor, University Center. Please see me as soon as possible for special arrangements, seating and other accommodations if necessary.
Integrity and Academic Honesty:
Integrity is a crucial part both of the academic experience and of professional conduct (especially relevant to this course, your gateway to the professional world). I expect you to be honest with me in all conversations and discussions and to treat me and fellow students with respect. You also must observe the University Academic Integrity Policy: You must always do your own work, and you may never plagiarize or cheat on tests or papers. Follow the guidelines in this syllabus and any others provided during the semester. Unless otherwise specified (e.g. team project), all work you turn in must be completed by you. Failure to do so could lead to an "F" in the course and even expulsion from the University. By taking the course and by attending Adelphi University, you agree to these conditions - please see me at any time with questions.

In the interest of full disclosure and academic honesty, this syllabus is mostly copied (with permission) from Dr. Chays's syllabus for the same course, Spring 2009.