CSC 371
Systems I
Homework 3
Assigned Mar. 2, due Mar. 18
- Design and implement a single-bit full adder. (Show me a truth
table or Karnaugh map for each output, an algebraic expression for each
output, a circuit diagram, and a working circuit.)
Don't take it apart, because you'll need two of them for the next problem.
- Design and implement a two-bit ALU with four operations: add,
sub, and, and slt. For add,
sub, and slt, treat the inputs as 2-bit
unsigned integers.
Note that the add and sub operations
may produce a carry. All four data inputs and the two inputs to select
an operation should be controlled by toggle switches or pushbuttons (I
would advise toggle switches).
- Textbook problem B.3, B.4, or B.5 (read all three; choose one to
turn in).
- Textbook problems 4.21, 4.40, 4.46, 4.49, 4.50.
Last modified:
Wed Mar 3 15:28:38 EST 1999
Stephen Bloch /