CSC 371
Systems I

Homework 3

Assigned Mar. 2, due Mar. 18

  1. Design and implement a single-bit full adder. (Show me a truth table or Karnaugh map for each output, an algebraic expression for each output, a circuit diagram, and a working circuit.) Don't take it apart, because you'll need two of them for the next problem.
  2. Design and implement a two-bit ALU with four operations: add, sub, and, and slt. For add, sub, and slt, treat the inputs as 2-bit unsigned integers. Note that the add and sub operations may produce a carry. All four data inputs and the two inputs to select an operation should be controlled by toggle switches or pushbuttons (I would advise toggle switches).
  3. Textbook problem B.3, B.4, or B.5 (read all three; choose one to turn in).
  4. Textbook problems 4.21, 4.40, 4.46, 4.49, 4.50.

Last modified: Wed Mar 3 15:28:38 EST 1999
Stephen Bloch /