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This class meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:05 to 4:20 PM, except on University holidays or if I cancel class. All dates in the following schedule are tentative, except those fixed by the University; if some topic listed here as taking one lecture in fact takes two lectures to cover adequately, or vice versa, the schedule will shift.

I expect you to have read the specified chapters in the textbook before the lecture that deals with that topic; this way I can concentrate my time on answering questions and clarifying subtle or difficult points in the textbook, rather than on reading the textbook to you, which will bore both of us. Please read the textbook!

Date(s) Assignment Reading Lecture Subject
2 Sept Administrivia, introduction, SPIMSAL
4 Sept chap. 1 Levels of abstraction, instruction execution
9 Sept 2.1-2.3 Declarations and arithmetic
11 Sept 2.4 Control flow in assembly language
12 Sept Last day to add courses
16 Sept HW1 2.5-2.6 I/O and program example, using SPIMSAL
18 Sept 2.7-2.8 Procedures and another program example
23 Sept chap. 3 Representing numbers in binary
25 Sept HW1 due 4.1-4.2 Representing integers on a computer
26 Sept Last day to drop courses
30 Sept HW2 4.3-4.4 Representing characters and reals on a computer
2 Oct Rosh Hashanah, no classes
7 Oct 5.1-5.3 Boolean operations, integer addition and subtraction
9 Oct 5.4 Integer multiplication
14 Oct HW2 due 5.5 Integer division
16 Oct Catch up; discuss non-midterm
21 Oct HW3 6.1-6.3 Floating-point addition, subtraction, multiplication
23 Oct 6.4-6.6 Floating-point division, rounding, overflow, etc.
28 Oct 7.1-7.2 Memory and arrays
30 Oct HW4 7.3-7.4 Implementing data structures in assembly language
31 Oct Last day to withdraw from classes
4 Nov 8.1-8.2 MAL, registers, and addressing
6 Nov HW3 due 8.3-8.4 MAL, registers, and addressing
11 Nov 9.1-9.3 Procedure calling in assembly language
13 Nov HW4 due 9.4-9.5 Parameters and local variables
18 Nov 9.6-9.7 Register usage and example
20 Nov HW5 10-10.2 What an assembler does
25 Nov 10.3-10.4 What an assembler does
27 Nov Thanksgiving -- no classes
2 Dec 11 Input and output
4 Dec 12 Interrupts and exceptions
9 Dec HW5 due 13 Performance issues
11 Dec 14 Alternative architectures; review for final
18 Dec 3:30-5:30 PM, Final Exam

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Stephen Bloch
Tue Nov 25 13:30:51 EST 1997