CSC 344
Homework 3
Assigned March 7, due March 31
You have 13 problems, and 24 days to do them (including Spring
Break, which I'm sure you plan to spend doing Algorithms homework!).
As you're doing these, think of which one you'd like to present in
class, and let me know as soon as you've decided. Solutions will be
presented in class March 31 and April 2.
Written problems from textbooks
- Shaffer problem 7.6 (which sorting algorithms are stable?)
- Shaffer problem 7.7 (making a non-stable sorting algorithm stable)
- Shaffer problem 7.15 (matching nuts and bolts).
- Give an obviously-correct brute-force
algorithm and prove that it runs in O(n2) time.
- Prove an Ω(n log(n)) lower bound for the worst case of
any algorithm that solves this problem.
- Give a randomized algorithm whose average-case complexity is O(n
prove that it works, and that its
average-case complexity really is O(n log(n)).
- CLRS problem 6-3 (Young tableaux)
- CLRS exercise 7.4-5 (also discussed on p. 242 of Shaffer)
- CLRS problem 7-4 (tail recursion and quicksort; see also Shaffer
exercise 7.8)
- CLRS problem 7-6 (fuzzy sorting of intervals)
- CLRS exercise 8.2-4 (answering range queries)
- CLRS exercise 8.4-2 (analysis of bucket-sort)
- CLRS exercise 9.1-1 (find second-smallest)
- CLRS exercise 9.3-5 (given a linear-time median algorithm, write a
linear-time k-selection algorithm)
- CLRS exercise 9.3-9 (find optimal location for oil pipeline)
Programming problems
- Shaffer project 7.2 (double insertion sort) OR 7.4 (merge-sort on
different data structures)
Last modified:
Thu Feb 6 14:35:46 EST 2014
Stephen Bloch /