Date |
Assignment |
Reading |
Subject |
Jan 23 |
Administrivia, what's this course about? |
Jan 25 |
Stable Matching problem; proving termination, correctness, efficiency |
Jan 28 |
Interval Scheduling problem; brute force and greedy algorithms; sorting
algorithms |
Jan 30 |
Interval Scheduling, continued |
Feb 01 |
Shaffer 1, CLRS 1,
to get hired at Google |
Independent set, facility location, etc. |
Feb 05 |
Last day to add classes |
Feb 04 |
Shaffer 2, CLRS 2 |
Mathematical preliminaries; discuss pre-test if necessary |
Feb 06 |
Shaffer 3 |
Asymptotic analysis |
Feb 08 |
HW1 |
CLRS 3 |
More on asymptotic analysis |
Feb 11 |
CLRS 4 |
Divide-and-conquer algorithms |
Feb 13 |
Shaffer 7.1-7.4 |
Some sorting algorithms |
Feb 15 |
Shaffer 5.5 and 7.6; CLRS 6 |
Heaps and heap-sort |
Feb 18 |
HW1 due |
Present & discuss HW1 |
Feb 20 |
Last day to drop classes |
Feb 20 |
Shaffer 7.5, CLRS 7 |
Present & discuss HW1 |
Feb 22 |
Shaffer 7.8-7.9, CLRS 8.1 |
Present & discuss HW1 |
Feb 25 |
Shaffer 7.7, CLRS 8 |
Present & discuss HW1; lower bounds proofs |
Feb 27 |
HW2 |
Shaffer 7.7, CLRS 8 |
Why you can't sort in linear time, and how to do it
Mar 01 |
CLRS 9 |
Not quite sorting |
Mar 04 |
Shaffer 16.1, CLRS 15.1 |
Dynamic programming |
Mar 06 |
CLRS 15.2-15.3 |
More dynamic-programming examples |
Mar 08 |
CLRS 15.4-15.5 |
More dynamic-programming examples |
3/11-3/17 |
Spring break |
Mar 18 |
HW2 due |
Present & discuss HW2 |
Mar 20 |
Present & discuss HW2 |
Mar 22 |
Present & discuss HW2 |
Mar 25 |
Present & discuss HW2 |
Mar 27 |
Last day to withdraw from classes |
Mar 27 |
Present & discuss HW2 |
Mar 29 |
Shaffer 5.6, CLRS 16.1-16.3 |
Greedy algorithms; Huffman codes |
Apr 01 |
Shaffer 11.1-11.3, CLRS 22 |
Graph basics: nodes, edges, paths, Eulerian paths, degrees |
Apr 03 |
CLRS 22 |
More on graphs: list and matrix representations, breadth-first and
depth-first search |
Apr 05 |
CLRS 22 |
More on graphs: properties of breadth-first and depth-first search |
Apr 08 |
CLRS 22 |
More on graphs: applications of breadth-first and depth-first search |
Apr 10 |
Research day: no classes |
Apr 12 |
Return & discuss homework 1 |
Apr 15 |
Shaffer 11.5, CLRS 23 |
Minimum spanning trees |
Apr 17 |
Shaffer 11.5, CLRS 23 |
Minimum spanning trees |
Apr 19 |
HW3 |
Shaffer 11.4, CLRS 24-24.3 |
Single-source shortest paths |
Apr 22 |
HW2 resubmission due |
CLRS 26.1-26.3 |
Maximum flow problems |
Apr 24 |
Computability, decidability, and semidecidability |
Apr 26 |
Shaffer 17.3 |
Uncomputability |
Apr 29 |
Shaffer 17.1 |
Problem reductions and uncomputability; completeness; Rice's theorem? |
May 01 |
CLRS 34.1-34.2 |
Polynomial-time computability, decidability, and semidecidability |
May 03 |
Shaffer 17.2; CLRS 34.3-34.5 |
Polynomial-time reductions; NP and NP-completeness |
May 06 |
HW3 due |
Present & discuss HW3 |
May 08 |
Present & discuss HW3 |
May 9-10 |
emergency make-up days |
May 17 |
present & discuss, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM |