CSC 343
Homework 2

Assigned Sept. 25, due Oct. 9

To be done individually or in teams of two students

Some of these problems can be done in varying levels of detail. The more work you do, and the more aspects of the problem you explore, the more impressed I'll be and the more credit you'll get.

Problems from the Shaffer textbook
Problems from the CLRS textbook
A geometry problem from another textbook:

You are given a list of points in a plane, each specified by an (x,y) coordinate pair, and you want to know whether there is a single circle that they're all on. (Don't worry about "close enough"; you may assume for this problem that your floating-point numbers are infinitely accurate.) Describe an algorithm in pseudocode to solve this problem. Analyze it: tell how long it takes, as a function of the number of points.

Programming assignments

Last modified: Sat Sep 22 15:53:49 EDT 2012
Stephen Bloch /