CSC 333 Homework 2

Oct 3, 2005
Due 25 Oct or so

Write a program that displays and manipulates a three-dimensional "cylinder": an equilateral n-gon at each end, separated by parallel sides perpendicular to the ends. Your program should allow the user to

For extra credit, use OpenGL's lighting mechanism (chap. 6) to control the colors of the panels in solid-panel view.

Before you start, design a suitable user interface that will make all of these operations feel "natural" to the human user. Describe this user interface in writing (diagrams optional) before you start coding. Maintain and turn in a log of changes made along the way, whether to the user interface or to the program itself; each change should have a description, a date, and a reason.

You are welcome to copy small fragments of code from my examples, from the textbook, from the textbook Web site, and (with their permission) from your classmates, but identify what you've copied from whom. The majority of the code in your program should be your own.

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