I've finally found a textbook that takes a language-independent approach to OOP: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, by Timothy Budd. This book discusses the fundamental ideas of OOP, with examples in half a dozen different languages, without (like some textbooks) getting bogged down in notational arguments about whether to use a double arrow or a rounded rectangle in diagramming some object-oriented system. Unfortunately, Budd omits CLOS from his list of example languages, a glaring omission in my opinion, so we'll discuss the CLOS approach in class.
We'll work through the first 15-20 chapters of the Budd textbook, reading approximately one chapter (c. 20 pages) per lecture. Please keep up on the reading!
The definitive book on C++ is The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroustrup, who invented the C++ language, and some students may want a copy of this book. Since we'll use the GNU C++ compiler, we also have extensive documentation on C++ and Objective C available through the info gcc command. Those interested in Java may want a copy of the book by Deitel and Deitel, which I plan to use in a Java course over the summer.
You are responsible for everything in the reading assignments, whether or not I discuss it in a lecture.