Computer Science 271
Software I: Unix and C++

Dr. Stephen Bloch
office 113A Alumnæ Hall
phone 877-4483
Web page
Class Web page
office hours MTTh 1:00-2:15, W 10:00-12:00
class meetings TTh 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM


This course assumes you have taken and passed CSC 171 ("Introduction to Computer Programming") and either CSC 172 ("Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures") or CSC 173, This course will demand a lot of time programming, testing, and debugging in C or C++, particularly in the latter half of the semester, so we'll also cover the basics of C and C++ programming, on the assumption that you already know some Java.

Subject Matter

This course will explain the basic concepts common to many computer operating systems and introduce you to a great number of tools and features provided by operating systems, especially Unix, which is popular at academic and research institutions and widely used for servers.

It will also introduce the C and C++ languages. C and Unix grew up together, with each used to write the other, and even today a significant fraction of Unix software is written in C. The C++ language was developed in the 1980's as a collection of enhancements to C, and eventually became one of the most popular languages for professional application programming. The Java language, which most of you learned last year, might be called a ``cleaned up C++'', so a lot of C++ will be familiar to you. Other concepts in C++, particularly pointers and memory management, are probably unfamiliar to you, so that's what we'll concentrate on.

The Unix operating system has more personality than most, not because of how it works but because the people who built (and continue to build) it left such a distinctive mark on it with their senses of beauty, humor, and responsible behaviour. These have led to a system which, once you've grasped its fundamental philosophy, allows you both to make efficient use of your time and to have fun at it.

The creators of Unix used computers all day, every day, and wanted to use them as efficiently as possible. These people loved elegance and simplicity, and hated re-inventing the wheel, so they built a number of simple tools that could be combined as needed in billions of ways. They also loved whimsy, so you will find a lot of puns and jokes built into the system. On the other hand, they believed strongly in personal responsibility, so destructive pranks, invasions of privacy, and insults are strongly discouraged -- usually not by rules, but by peer pressure. Unix has evolved from a computer system to a philosophy and finally to a community. I hope, among other things, to make you productive and civilized members of that community.

A disadvantage of building the whole system out of simple tools is that you need to learn a lot of simple tools before you can do anything. So in the first half of the semester you'll read a lot of documentation and try your skill on small examples. In the second half of the semester the emphasis will shift from reading about Unix tools to actually using them.

Many of the people in this class are taking CSC 270 concurrently. The two courses have different emphases: 270 is primarily about programming languages, with occasional mentions of operating-system issues, while 271 is primarily about the Unix operating system and secondarily about the C and C++ programming languages.

How to Learn Unix and C++

This is not a theoretical course; it is a very practical, hands-on course. To learn the stuff I expect you to learn, you must spend a lot of time on the computer trying things. Every time you read about a new command, or hear me describe one in lecture, try it. Invent new ways to use it, beyond what I or the textbook have described. Play with it. The best way to learn Unix and C++ is to use them until you don't even have to think about the most common commands--your fingers know them by heart.


I've ordered several textbooks through the Adelphi Bookstore, some on Unix and some on C++. All of the textbooks are "recommended", not "required": I don't expect to be giving specific assignments from a specific page of a specific book.

Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (I don't much care which edition)
Bjarne Stroustrup invented C++, and knows it better than anyone else on the planet. This is his explanation of the whole language, including the most common standard libraries and a couple of chapters about his take on object-oriented programming. If you ever find yourself working at a C++ shop, you'll have this book on your desk anyway, so you might as well pick it up now.
Weiss, C++ for Java Programmers
There are several books on the market with essentially the same title, of which this one is as good as any. Rather than trying to explain the whole C++ language, it concentrates on how it differs from Java (or rather, since C++ came first, how Java differs from it) and the "gotchas" that always trip up Java-trained programmers when they learn C++.
Robbins, Unix in a Nutshell
There are lots of books from which you can teach yourself Unix: some are very superficial, while others are thorough and encyclopedic, but too big (and expensive) to carry around. This one is a good compromise, intended (like most O'Reilly books) for smart people with a technical background but who don't know this particular technical topic yet.
Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming
This is more of a philosophical treatise, applicable not only to Unix but to software development in general. However, it's built on the same precepts that underly Unix: building lots of single-purpose, reusable tools that can be combined in lots of ways.
Powers, Peek, O'Reilly, and Loukides, Unix Power Tools
I don't think I actually ordered this one through the bookstore, but I used it the last time I taught this course. It's not really intended for Unix beginners, although it has a few "beginner" chapters; it contains a lot of cute tricks and non-obvious ways to use the standard Unix features. Don't try to read it sequentially, from beginning to end; it's made up a hundreds of one-page "articles", many of which refer to one another, so you can jump around as your interest leads you.

I'll also give some reading assignments in class handouts, on the World Wide Web, by email, in magazines, etc.


There will be several homework assignments.

Each homework assignment will be worth 10-15% of the semester grade. There may be a midterm exam, also worth 10-15% of the semester grade; there will definitely be a comprehensive final exam, worth 20-30% of the semester grade. "Brownie points" will be another 10-15% of the semester grade; you earn brownie points by asking and answering good questions in class, by seeking my help when needed, etc. You lose brownie points by cheating, by being lost and not seeking help, and by generally making a pain of yourself.

Exams must be taken at the scheduled time, unless arranged in advance or prevented by a documented medical or family emergency. If you have three or more exams scheduled on the same date, or a religious holiday that conflicts with an exam or assignment due date, please notify me in writing within the first month of the semester in order to receive due consideration. Exams not taken without one of the above excuses will get a grade of 0.

Homework and programming assignments will be accepted late, with a penalty of 1/3 per 24 hours or portion thereof after they're due. An hour late is 33% off, 25 hours late is 67% off, and after 48 hours don't bother turning it in. It's still a good idea to do as much of it as you can, however, because I'll assume on the exams that you've done the homework.

Programs are not abstract works of art, they are supposed to run and solve real problems. So if I get a program that doesn't compile or run, or a program that has little or nothing to do with the problem I assigned, I will give it a zero, no matter how much time you put into it. Don't bother turning in a program you haven't tested yourself.


The Adelphi University Code of Ethics applies to this course; look it up on the Web at .

Most homework assignments in this course involve writing, testing, and debugging a program by yourself. You are welcome to seek help on mechanical and syntactic matters ("how do I save this file?", "what does this compiler error message mean?") from me, from other students in the class, and from tutors in the Learning Center, and you are welcome to discuss general approaches to a problem with classmates; but you may not copy large pieces of programs or homework solutions. If you do, all the students involved will be penalized.

All work on an exam must be entirely the work of the one person whose name is at the top of the page. If I have evidence that one student copied from another on an exam, both students will be penalized; see above.

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