CSC 270
Homework 4
assigned 3 Dec, due 12 Dec
Write a collection of Scheme functions to do set manipulation. Assume a
set is represented as a list of elements (some or all of which may
themselves be sets), with no element appearing more than once. Write
the following functions:
- element?
A predicate that tells whether a given object is an element of a given
Example: (element? 'c '(a b c e)) would return #t,
while (element? 'c '(d e f)) would return #f.
(For extra credit, write this so that it correctly recognizes a set as
an element of a set of sets, e.g.
(element? '(a b) '((a) (b c d) (b a) (c))) would return
#t because the first argument, (a b), is the same set as
(b a), one of the elements of the second argument.
Hint: do this extra credit after writing
- subset?
A predicate that tells whether one set is completely contained in
Example: (subset? '(a b c e) '(b f g c a e)) would return
#t, while
(subset? '(a b c e) '(b f g c e)) would return #f
because a is an element of the first set but not of the second.
(If you do this right and do the extra-credit version of
element?, you'll get subset? to work correctly on
sets for free. Ditto all the rest of the functions.)
- equal-sets?
A predicate that tells whether two sets are equal.
Example: (equal-sets? '(a b c e) '(c e a b)) would return
#t, while (equal-sets? '(a b c d) '(c e a b)) would
return #f.
- union
The union of two sets is the set of things that appear in one, the
other, or both sets.
Example: (union '(a b c d) '(c e f)) would return
(a b c d e f).
- intersection
The intersection of two sets is the set of things that appear in both
Example: (union '(a b c d) '(c e f)) would return
- difference
The difference of two sets is the set of things that appear in the first
but not the second.
Example: (difference '(a b c d) '(c e f)) would return
(a b d).
- empty?
A predicate that tells whether something is the empty set.
Example: (empty? '(a b c d)) would return #f, while
(empty? (intersection '(a b c) '(d e f))) would return
- set?
A predicate that tells whether something is a legal set,
i.e. whether each element of it appears at most once.
Example: (set? '(a b c e)) would return #t, while
(set? '(a b c b)) would return #f because the element
b appears more than once.
- make-set
A function which, given a list (not necessarily a set), returns the set
of its elements. In other words, make-set removes
Example: (make-set '(a b c b e c b)) would return
(a b c e) (or the same elements in some other order).
Please name the functions exactly as specified above, so I
can load your file and immediately start using and testing the functions.
Last modified:
Thu Dec 5 14:52:42 EST 1996
Stephen Bloch /