Method body

Now that we've got the method skeleton and inventory, we'll fill in a return statement that actually computes the right answer. This will normally be an expression that uses the parameters from the inventory. For example, if we had the skeleton and inventory

public static int cube (int num)
   // num         an int
we would fill in the body and get
public static int cube (int num)
   // num         an int
   return num*num*num ;

From the skeleton and inventory

public static String howOld (String name, int age)
   // name         a String
   // age          an integer
we would fill in
public static String howOld (String name, int age)
   // name         a String
   // age          an integer
   return name + " is " + age + " years old." ;

The body is the most difficult and creative step in the recipe. We've tried to make it easier by moving most of the mechanical stuff into earlier steps, so by the time you get to this step, there's often not much to do.

Last modified: Thu Jun 1 14:40:14 EDT 2000
Stephen Bloch /