CSC 171
Homework 4

Assigned Oct. 28, due Nov. 11

Before you start writing the program, estimate how long the program will be, how long it'll take you to write, and how many defects you'll encounter in it. Enter these estimates in the PSP form. (If this is a major difficulty for you, you can record it in a text file or on paper.) Note: I've modified the PSP system so you can enter a program number like "4.1", not only integers. I haven't got it to handle non-numbers (like "4a") yet, so please don't try those. I suggest using "4.1" for exercise 1, p. 229; "4.2" for exercise 2; "4.3" for exercise 1, p. 274; and "4.4" for exercise 3.

While working on the program, record your errors and how much time you spend on various aspects of the programming process, again using the PSP form.

You will not be graded on how close your estimate is, or how many errors you make, or how much time you spend, as long as I think all three of them are realistic. You will be graded on whether you record all this stuff. And don't wait until the program is finished to write the estimate; it's time-stamped, and you'll lose credit if it's dated the night before the assignment is due.

How to turn this in

You should have two BlueJ projects, which look like folders to the operating system (Windows, MacOS, etc.) Zip these folders, so you have files named and Attach these files to an email to me.

If you've entered your estimates, defects, and time use in PSP, I've already got the data so you have nothing else to turn in. If you prefer recording it some other way, turn that in with your program.

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Stephen Bloch /