Important Topics in Excel

Topic Importance
Start Excelhigh
Customize Excel Windowlow
Design a worksheethigh
Workbooks and sheetshigh
Cells and their nameshigh
Scrolling and menushigh
Select and enterhigh
Compute sums, averages, min, max, percentageshigh
Copy cellshigh
Use Name Box to Select Cellmoderate
Save, print, quit, openhigh
Correct, Undo, Clear (at least one way)high
Get helphigh
Enter formulas (at least one way)high
Copy Formulasmoderate
Verify a Formulamoderate
Apply formats, at least one waymoderate
Apply Conditional Formattingmoderate
Change Height of Row, Width of Columnhigh
Check Spellingmoderate
Print and previewmoderate
Display Formulas; Fit Printoutmoderate
Change Print Scaling Optionlow
Import Data from Weblow
Rename Sheethigh
E-mail a workbooklow
Fill Seriesmoderate
Rotate Textlow
Copy Cell's Formatmoderate
Copy Range of Cells to Nonadjacent Destinationhigh
Insert a rowhigh
Enter number with format symbolmoderate
Enter and format datemoderate
Enter formula with absolute referencesmoderate
Enter IF functionmoderate
Copy using fill handlemoderate
Freeze and unfreeze column and row titlesmoderate
Assign Formats to Nonadjacent Rangesmoderate
Display/hide drawing toolbarmoderate
Dock Toolbar at Bottom of Screenlow
Add Drop Shadowlow
Draw chart on separate sheethigh
Change colors of pie sliceslow
Explode pie chartmoderate
Rotate and Tilt Pie Chartlow
Goal seeklow
Add Leader Lines to Data Labelsmoderate
Rename and Reorder Sheetsmoderate
Shrink and Magnify Viewmoderate
Split into panes; remove panesmoderate
Analyze Data by Changing Valueshigh

Last modified:
Stephen Bloch /