CSC 170
Homework 5

Assigned 12 April, due variously April 20, April 27, May 4

This assignment is about building a simple Web site.

  1. Write a brief outline (a page or less) of what you want to put on your site. Describe at least two or three separate Web pages, and what each one will be about. For each page, suggest a color scheme, what kind of information you plan to include, any graphics or sound you plan to include, and how the pages will be connected to one another. Due April 20, on paper or by e-mail.

  2. Write and publish a Web page, preferably on your Adelphi panther account. It should include an appropriate title and other header information, some formatted text (e.g. italics, boldface, centering, color, size, lists), and at least one picture. Due April 27; publish the Web page and give me the URL on paper or by e-mail.

  3. Write and publish several Web pages, preferably on your Adelphi panther account. Each page should have an appropriate title and other header information; among them, they should include some formatted text, at least one picture, appropriate use of color (for text and/or background), three kinds of hot-links (within the same page, to another page on the same site, and to a page on a different site), and a table. Due May 4, the last day of class. Again, publish the Web pages and give me the URL(s) on paper or by e-mail.

    Note: You may use an authoring program such as FrontPage, Netscape Composer, etc. for some of the work, but at least one of your pages, illustrating several of the features mentioned above, must be written from scratch, in HTML using a text editor. To test this, I'll pick some lines of HTML code from your Web page and ask you, on your final exam, to explain what they do; if the HTML code was generated automagically by FrontPage (or, God forbid, Microsoft Word!), you probably won't be able to. So tell me which page you're willing to be tested on.

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Stephen Bloch /