Important Topics in Excel

Topic Pages Importance
Start ExcelE 1.06-08high
Customize Excel WindowE 1.09low
Design a worksheetE 1.10high
Workbooks and sheetsE 1.10-11high
Cells and their namesE 1.11high
Scrolling and menusE 1.12high
Select and enterE 1.16-22high
Compute sums, averages, min, max, percentagesE 1.23-28, 2.15-21high
Copy cellsE 1.25, 2.23high
FormattingE 1.28-33, 2.26-48, 3.07,3.32-43moderate
Use Name Box to Select CellE 1.35moderate
ChartsE 1.37-40, 1.52high
Save, print, quit, openE 1.40-47high
Correct, Undo, Clear (at least one way)E 1.49-52high
Get helpE 1.52-54high
Enter formulas (at least one way)E 2.09-24high
Copy FormulasE 2.13moderate
Verify a FormulaE 2.25moderate
Apply formats, at least one wayE 2.34-37moderate
Apply Conditional FormattingE 2.40moderate
Change Height of Row, Width of ColumnE 2.44-47high
Check SpellingE 2.49, 3.56moderate
Print and previewE 2.51-58, 3.57moderate
Display Formulas; Fit PrintoutE 2.56moderate
Change Print Scaling OptionE 2.58low
Import Data from WebE 2.59low
Rename SheetE 2.62high
E-mail a workbookE 2.63low
Fill SeriesE 3.08moderate
Rotate TextE 3.08low
Copy Cell's FormatE 3.11moderate
Copy Range of Cells to Nonadjacent DestinationE 3.14high
Insert a rowE 3.17high
Enter number with format symbolE 3.19moderate
Enter and format dateE 3.23moderate
Enter formula with absolute referencesE 3.26moderate
Enter IF functionE 3.28moderate
Copy using fill handleE 3.30moderate
Freeze and unfreeze column and row titlesE 3.31,36moderate
Assign Formats to Nonadjacent RangesE 3.33moderate
Display/hide drawing toolbarE 3.38moderate
Dock Toolbar at Bottom of ScreenE 3.39low
Add Drop ShadowE 3.40low
Draw chart on separate sheetE 3.44high
Change colors of pie slicesE 3.50low
Explode pie chartE 3.51moderate
Rotate and Tilt Pie ChartE 3.52low
Goal seekE 3.53low
Add Leader Lines to Data LabelsE 3.54moderate
Rename and Reorder SheetsE 3.55moderate
Shrink and Magnify ViewE 3.58moderate
Split into panes; remove panesE 3.60-61moderate
Analyze Data by Changing ValuesE 3.62high

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Stephen Bloch /