CSC 170
Homework 3

Assigned 28 Sep, due 2 Nov

Choose a current issue involving computers, telecommunication, and the "real world" -- see the links on the course Web site, or the articles I've posted on Blackboard, for some ideas -- then research it beyond what I've provided, and present what you've learned in three forms:

Attach to your research paper an annotated bibliography: don't just list your sources, but also tell me how reliable you think they are, and why, and what innate bias you would expect them to have. Be sure to use some sources that are not on the Web, i.e. books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Note that you only need to do the research once, and present it with three different technologies. While you're researching, think about the following questions:

This assignment is due 2 Nov. However, I don't want you to do all the work on 1 Nov (not that any of you would dream of doing such a thing), so by 12 Oct, please e-mail me your topic, with a one-paragraph summary of what you intend to cover.

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Stephen Bloch /