The animation functions we'll use this semester are defined in the
teachpack, which again doesn't come standard
with DrScheme but can be installed using "Install .plt file..."
and the URL
You should only have to do this once on your home computer, but this file
may not be on the lab machines.
run-animation : number (width) number (height) world (initial)
number (tick-length) handler ... -> true
This is the main function that runs an animation. You specify the
width and height of the animation window, the initial "world"
or "model", the number of seconds between clock ticks, and
perhaps some handlers (see below). For example,
(run-animation 500 300 "blerg" 10 (on-tick do-this) (on-key do-that) (on-redraw do-the-other))
where do-this
, do-that
, and do-the-other
are functions you've provided. Note that in this example the "world" is
a string; it could equally well have been an image, a number, or something else,
as long as your handlers all agree on what type it is.
If you provide more than one of a particular kind of handler, you'll get an error message. If you don't provide a tick handler, a key handler, or a mouse handler, the animation will ignore tick events, keyboard events, or mouse events respectively. If you don't provide a redraw handler, the animation will assume that the "world" is an image, and this image itself should be displayed every time the screen refreshes.
end-of-time : string or symbol -> world
A function you can call to end the animation. Normally, you'll call it in one of your handler functions in response to some event that you've decided should cause the animation to end, but you can also call it in the Interactions pane to stop a running animation.
nw:rectangle : number (width) number (height) mode color -> scene
A "scene" is a kind of image whose pinhole is at the top
left so it's easier to place other images at specified coordinates on it.
This function acts just like rectangle
, but puts the pinhole
at the top left corner. You're more likely to need...
empty-scene : number (width) number (height) -> scene
A solid white nw:rectangle
. You'll probably use this in
combination with...
place-image : image number (x) number (y) scene -> scene
This function places the specified image at the specified coordinates
in the scene. It's almost the same as overlay/xy
except that
For example,
(place-image calendar 30 50 (empty-scene 200 150))
would place a calendar centered at position (30,50) within a blank
rectangle 200 pixels wide by 150 pixels high.
on-tick : (world -> world) -> handler
Takes in a function (whose contract must be
world -> world
) and tells
that it is to be called at every
clock tick.
on-redraw : (world -> image) -> handler
Takes in a function (whose contract must be
world -> image
) and tells
that it is to be called whenever
the screen needs to be redrawn.
on-key : (world char-or-symbol -> world) -> handler
Takes in a function (whose contract must be
world char-or-symbol -> world
and tells run-animation
that it is to be called
whenever a key is pressed or released on the keyboard.
When a key is typed, you'll get at least two key
events: one with the key itself, and one with the symbol
when the key is released. (You may get
more than two events, if the user holds down the key long enough
for it to repeat.)
For regular keys (letters, numbers, punctuation marks) you'll
get the obvious character, such as #\A
, #\B
, ...
... #\0
, #\:
, etc. Other than that,
the most likely keys you'll be interested in are the arrow keys,
which you'll get as one of the following symbols:
'left 'right 'up 'down 'home 'end 'next 'prior
For function keys, you'll get one of the symbols
'f1 'f2 'f3 ...
For the numeric keypad, you'll get one of the symbols
'decimal 'add 'subtract 'multiply 'divide 'numpad0 'numpad1 ... 'numpad9
on-mouse : (world num num symbol -> world) -> handler
Takes in a function (whose contract must be
world number number symbol -> world
and tells run-animation
that it is to be called
whenever anything interesting happens to the mouse. The two
numbers are the x and y coordinates of the mouse respectively,
and the symbol tells you what happened. The possible symbols
'enter |
the mouse has entered the animation window |
'leave |
the mouse has left the animation window |
'button-down |
the user has pressed (but not yet released) a mouse button |
'button-up |
the user has released a mouse button |
'move |
the mouse has moved, without a button pressed |
'drag |
the mouse has moved, with a button pressed |
'wheel-up |
the user has rolled the scroll wheel up |
'wheel-down |
the user has rolled the scroll wheel down |
char->string : character -> string
Converts a character to a string of length one. Intended for use in key handlers.