CSC 160
Homework 8
Assigned Apr 15, due Apr 24
Chapter 18: handling mouse and keyboard actions
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Worked Exercise
make sure it works for you, make some changes to it, and make sure they work.
(nothing to turn in)
- Exercise 18.1.3 (modify 18.1.1)
- Exercise 18.1.4 (modify 18.1.1)
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Worked Exercise
make sure it works for you, make some changes to it, and make sure they work.
(nothing to turn in)
- Exercises 18.2.2-3 (modify 18.2.1). If you get both of these
working, you can just turn in a single animation that covers both.
- Exercise 18.2.5 (typing animation)
Chapter 19: handling errors
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Worked Exercise
make sure it works for you, make some changes to it, and make sure they
work. (nothing to turn in)
- Exercise 19.3.2 (modify 9.2.3)
- Exercise 19.3.4 (safe-double)
Chapter 20: predefined structures
- Do practice exercise 20.1.1 (nothing to turn in)
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Exercise 20.4.1 and
Exercise 20.4.3,
make sure they work for you, make some changes to them, and make sure they work.
(nothing to turn in)
- Exercise 20.4.5 (distance between two posns)
- Exercise 20.4.6 (are two posns the same?)
- Download
Exercise 20.5.1,
make sure it works for you, make some changes to it, and make sure they work.
(nothing to turn in)
- Exercise 20.5.2 (
- Exercise 20.5.3 (
- Exercise 20.5.4 (
- Exercise 20.5.7 (
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Exercise 20.6.1,
make sure it works for you, make some changes to it, and make sure they work.
(nothing to turn in)
- Exercises 20.6.3 and 20.6.4 (reaction-time video game) If you get
20.6.4 working, you don't need to also turn in 20.6.3.
- One of exercises 20.6.5-20.6.9 (animations; more than one is
extra credit)
- Exercise 20.7.2 (animation with color model)
- Exercise 20.7.7 (
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Stephen Bloch /