
Professional Links

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Sports Media

Sports Media is a page for physical education teachers or majors.  It provides a list of age readiness for physical activities and allows you to download lesson plans.
Library of Sport, Teaching, and Physical Education (LSCAPE)

LSCAPE was a physical education magazine that was replaced with an online website.  It gives teaching and safety tips to better instruct and learn the skills for just about every game or sports teachable in class.  There is even a section on fitness that gives insite on how to incorperate it into your lesson and how do manage students unwilling to participate in class.  This site can be used as an online coaching clinic and requires subscription to gain full access to articles.
Hot Chalk

This website breaks down the possible physical education lesson plans by age appropriateness.  Explains games and activities presented and even gives tips for better health and fitness.
Teaching Ideas

It is a general physical education website, but if you click on the link on the right side of the page titled "Past Lessons" it brings you to a page that can be very useful.  First, it is broken down by grade level, elementary or secondary, then by curriculum. From there you may select a mini game and it will tell you how to play and what equipment you will need.
Teach Physical Education

This page gives a list of simple little games to be used as warm-ups and games to keep gym class ever-changing.  This is mostly targeted towards elementary level students although some games can be more understood by secondary level students.  It strays away from the basic jumping jacks or game of tag.
Nutrition Analysis Tools and System (NATS)

I have used NATS for one of my class projects.  It allows you to compare the food you consume and the energy you produce on a daily basis.  It also allows you to see your food broken down into vitamins, minerals, and fats.  You can do this by clicking on 'Energy Calculator' or 'Nutrition Anaylsis'.  If you choose 'Suggest Foods' you can enter personal information and the website will give you a list of foods that may be beneficial to you.  You can see my results on the Professional Portfolio page.
Drugs in Sports

This website is put out by the NCAA.  It explains how drugs effect  human performance in regards to athletes and nonathletes.  The website includes information on steriods, street drugs, over the counter drugs, hormones, and more.
Project Adventure

Project Adventure is a non-profit organization that visits schools for class workshops.  They present games, challenges, and health and wellness ideas.  The activities they present are based on trust, teamwork, and behavior management.

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This page was designed and published by Caitlin Bernstein and is solely responsible for its contents.
~ Last Updated: December 6, 2007
