Secure Communications Resources

This page covers secure communications with SSH, SSL/TLS, SRP, IPSEC, hardware-based authentication, etc.

New location:

SSH Resources

This is a list of resources for Secure Shell (SSH) on various platforms. Read the note on the patent issue with RSA implementations.

Desktop systems (Mac/PC)

For Windows 9x/NT systems, you can get:

Looking for scp? Try WinSCP.
Looking for sshd for WinNT? Try Sergey Okhapin's site. Find some setup info here.

For Macintosh systems, you can get:

For OS/2 systems, you can get:

For BeOS:

PalmPilot/Palm Organizers

Windows CE

Java implementations

Workstations and servers

Other SSH tips

SSL/TLS Resources

This sections discusses the quasi-standard for secure web transactions, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and its successor, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) standard.

SRP Resources

This section discusses the Secure Remote Password authentication protocol.

IPSEC Resources

This section discusses the IPSEC standard and its implementation.

Hardware authentication

This section has a few pointers on token-based authentication. This is often referred to as an example of strong authentication.
Home page: Sven Dietrich.

Last modified: 19 December 2001