CSC 174 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #7 - Calculating the average of four numbers

Due Wednesday, March 30, 2016

You are going to write a program that calculates the average of four integers. The resultant average will be an integer itself and should be printed (along with the four integers) in decimal format.

The integers should each appear in a SDWORD directive along with the initial value (which is used in calculating the average). Don't forget to allocate storage for the average using the SDWORD directive (there is no initial value).

TITLE New Program - A sample of how to divide in assembler


DividendMsg	BYTE "The dividend is ", 0
DivisorMsg	BYTE "The divisor is ", 0
QuotientMsg	BYTE "The quotient is", 0
RemMsg		BYTE	"The remainder is ", 0

Dividend	SDWORD	37	; The number that we divide INTO
Divisor		SDWORD	5	; The number that we divide BY
Quotient	SDWORD	?	; The result
Remainder	SDWORD	?	; The remainder
main	proc
	mov	edx, OFFSET DividendMsg	; Load the message's offset into edx
	call	WriteString		; Print the message
	mov	eax, Dividend		; Load the dividend into EAX
	call	WriteInt		; Print the dividend
	call	CrLf			; Go to the next line

	mov	edx, OFFSET DivisorMsg	; Load the message's offset into edx
	call	WriteString		; Print the message
	mov	eax, Divisor		; Load the Divisor into EAX
	call	WriteInt		; Print the Divisor
	call	CrLf			; Go to the next line

	mov	eax, Dividend		;Save the dividend
	cdq				; Convert it to a quad word with
					; the upper double word in EDX
	idiv	Divisor			; Divide it by Divisor
	mov	Quotient, eax		; Save the quotient - it was in the EAX
	mov	Remainder, edx		; Save the Remainder - it was in the EDX
	mov	edx, OFFSET QuotientMsg	; Load the message's offset into EDX
	call	WriteString		; Print the message
	call	WriteInt		; Print the quotient
	call	CrLf			; Go to the next line

	mov	eax, Remainder		; Load the remainder so you can print it
	mov	edx, OFFSET RemMsg	; Load the message's offset into EDX
	call	WriteString		; Print the message
	call	WriteInt		; Print the remainder
	call	CrLf			; Go to the next line

	exit				; End the program
main	endp
	end	main

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