CSC 272
Homework 5
Assigned Mar 19, due Mar 30

This assignment calls for two modifications to your homework 3. For full credit, do both; for partial credit, you can do either one.

  1. Modify your interpreter from Homework 3 part 1 (not the “lazy evaluation” version -- mutation and laziness don't play nicely together!) to implement mutable boxes (as in Chapter 13 of the PLAI book). The input syntax should have four new constructs:

  2. Modify your interpreter from Homework 3 part 1 to implement mutable variables (as in Chapter 14 of the PLAI book). The input syntax should have two new constructs:

You are encouraged to do this in teams of two, both students working together on all parts of the assignment; if you do this, turn in one homework with both names on it. I would prefer that you switch partners from one homework to the next, so you get more experience working with different people and so that I have an easier time computing a grade :-)

Last modified: Tue Jan 24 14:43:57 EST 2012
Stephen Bloch /