CSC 272
Homework 8
Assigned Apr 19, due Apr 30

This assignment is about Web programming, in any language you choose, as long as it runs on a server where you have scripting privileges.

For most of you, I recommend using PHP (for which there are lots of tutorials on the web) on the Math/Computer Science Department server (known as either or It's a standard Linux machine. You should all have accounts on it, with your username being your last name; passwords have been given out in class. Any Web pages you put in your public_html directory will be visible on the Web at Any executable scripts you put in your cgi-bin directory will be visible on the Web at

  1. Write a Web page that displays as either "Good morning!", "Good afternoon!", or "Good evening!" depending on what time of day it is.

    Here's my answer

  2. Write a Web page that asks the user for his/her name and age (using an HTML form), then when the user clicks "Submit", displays another Web page that uses both of those pieces of information, e.g. to say whether the user is old enough to drink.

    Here's my answer

  3. Write a Web-based survey satisfying Dr. Krishnamurthi's web-programming assignment.

    Here's my answer

You are encouraged to do this in teams of two, both students working together on all parts of the assignment; if you do this, turn in one homework with both names on it. I would prefer that you switch partners from one homework to the next, so you get more experience working with different people and so that I have an easier time computing a grade :-)

Last modified: Mon Apr 19 15:18:58 EDT 2010
Stephen Bloch /