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The textbook for this course, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, by Timothy Budd, takes a language-independent approach to OOP. This book, the same one we used last year for this course, discusses the fundamental ideas of OOP, with examples in half a dozen different languages, without (like some textbooks) getting bogged down in notational arguments about whether to use a double arrow or a rounded rectangle in diagramming some object-oriented system. Unfortunately, Budd omits CLOS from his list of example languages, a glaring omission in my opinion, so we'll discuss the CLOS approach in class.

We'll work through the first 15-20 chapters of the Budd textbook, reading approximately one chapter (c. 20 pages) per lecture. Please keep up on the reading!

The definitive book on C++ is The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroustrup, who invented the C++ language, and some students may want a copy of this book. Since we'll use the GNU C++ compiler, we also have extensive documentation on C++ and Objective C available through the info gcc command. As for Java, I've been quite happy with the book by Deitel and Deitel, which although primarily written for beginning programmers will still provide plenty of material for students at this level. I don't know of a book on Tiny CLOS, but we have the on-line documentation provided with the package, and I've placed some on-line tutorial material about Scheme and Tiny CLOS on my Web page.

You are responsible for everything in the reading assignments, whether or not I discuss it in a lecture. You are also responsible for checking my class Web page at least once a week or so; I often post assignments, corrections to assignments, solutions to assignments, etc. there.

Stephen Bloch
Tue Jan 27 11:34:19 EST 1998