Lesson 4: Writing Text

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The goal: (the scale factor was changed to 7 for ease of view on my resolution)

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        // most applications will want to extend the SimpleGame class
        import com.jme.app.SimpleGame;
        // a vector containing three float numbers;
        //   used to store positions and translations
        import com.jme.math.Vector3f;
        // geometric shapes used in program
        import com.jme.scene.shape.Box;
        import com.jme.scene.shape.Sphere;
        // use predefined colors and create custom colors
        import com.jme.renderer.ColorRGBA;
        // work with basic materials
        import com.jme.scene.state.MaterialState;
        // process user input
        import com.jme.input.InputHandler;
        import com.jme.input.KeyInput;
        import com.jme.input.KeyBindingManager;
        import com.jme.input.FirstPersonHandler;
        // display text
        import com.jme.scene.Text;
        import com.jmex.font2d.Text2D;
        import com.jmex.font2d.Font2D;
        // an internal vertex of the scenegraph tree;
        //  use to group together objects,
        //  apply render settings, which affects all child vertices
        import com.jme.scene.Node;
        import com.jme.scene.Spatial;
        import com.jme.scene.Geometry;
        // methods to change render settings
        import com.jme.renderer.Renderer;
         *   To add text to a scene, we need to
         *   create a font object, a text object (using the font object),
         *   and a node, with customized renderer settings, for attaching text.
        public class TextDemo extends SimpleGame
           // a geometric shape that will be rendered
           Sphere mySphere;
           // create a font object, used to create a text object
           //  and a node to which we can attach the text object
           Font2D myFont;
           Text2D myText;
           Node textNode;
           public static void main(String[] args)
               // create an instance of this program
               TextDemo app = new TextDemo();
               // before the main program starts, display the graphics configuration window
               //   where the user can choose among screen resolution, color depth, and full screen options
               // The start() method runs simpleInitGame(),
               //   then starts the game loop: simpleUpdate(), then simpleRender()
               // To terminate game loop, call finish()
           protected void simpleInitGame()
               // make the standard cursor visible.
               // SimpleGame class defaults mouse behavior to rotate view; here we disable this.
               // create a material to apply to geometric objects, use objects' default color,
               //  apply to front and back, and assign rendering to root node
               MaterialState customMaterial = display.getRenderer().createMaterialState();
               // Parameters for the Sphere constructor:
               //   Sphere( String name, Vector3f center, int zSamples, int radialSamples, float radius )
               mySphere = new Sphere("s", new Vector3f(0,0,0), 30, 30, 2 );
               mySphere.setDefaultColor( ColorRGBA.gray );
               rootNode.attachChild( mySphere );
               // assign (bind) strings to keys
               KeyBindingManager.getKeyBindingManager().set( "sphereRed", KeyInput.KEY_1 );
               KeyBindingManager.getKeyBindingManager().set( "sphereGreen", KeyInput.KEY_2 );
               KeyBindingManager.getKeyBindingManager().set( "sphereBlue", KeyInput.KEY_3 );
               // create default font.
               //   optional parameter: bitmap font filename.
               myFont = new Font2D();
               // create a text object using previously created font;
               //  numeric parameters are meaningless (not implemented)
               //  default font size is always 12 point, plain style
               myText = myFont.createText("Hello World!", 12, 0);
               // set location of text bottom-left corner: x,y,0 (pixels)
               myText.setLocalTranslation( 100, 20, 0 );
               // set text scale 
               myText.setLocalScale( 1 );
               // set color for text
               myText.setTextColor( ColorRGBA.yellow );
               // set up Node to hold text object
               textNode = new Node();
               // queue: order in which items are rendered.
               // QUEUE_ORTHO: drawn last, so it appears on top.
               // turn off lighting effects for this object
               // attach nodes to scenegraph so that they are rendered
               textNode.attachChild( myText );
               rootNode.attachChild( textNode );
           protected void simpleUpdate()
               // process input entered since last update.
               //  boolean parameter:
               //  true - activate continuously when key is down;
               //  false - activate only once per key press
               if (KeyBindingManager.getKeyBindingManager().isValidCommand("sphereRed",  false))
                   mySphere.setDefaultColor( ColorRGBA.red );
                   // call updateRenderState() whenever appearance of an object changes
                   myText.setText("The Sphere is Red!");
                   myText.setTextColor( ColorRGBA.red );
               if (KeyBindingManager.getKeyBindingManager().isValidCommand("sphereGreen", false))
                   mySphere.setDefaultColor( ColorRGBA.green );
                   myText.setText("The Sphere is Green!");
                   myText.setTextColor( ColorRGBA.green );
               if (KeyBindingManager.getKeyBindingManager().isValidCommand("sphereBlue",  false))
                   mySphere.setDefaultColor( ColorRGBA.blue );
                   myText.setText("The Sphere is Blue!");
                   myText.setTextColor( ColorRGBA.blue );
           protected void simpleRender()
               // nothing to add


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