I was born on a warm summer day in 1994. As a child, my primary interests where based in Lego building, video games, painting, swimming, basketball, and music. As I got older, I started to become more interested in creation; I stuck with Lego and creative games, but still was involved in my other recreational activities.


             During my teenage years, I learned to play Electric Bass, and I started to look into game modifications, which was directly related to my building and creating interests. I got two things out of game modding: I learning how to make 3D models using modeling programs like Autodesk, and I got very interested in the field of Computer Science as a possible major.


             All of this, combined with my years of recreational computer repair and debugging, made my choose the Computer Science as a major going into college.

Also, because I had already been playing the Bass for years, I choose Music as a minor.           


             Currently, as a sophomore at Adelphi, I am still interested in those fields, but I still do not know where my talents will take me.


