CSC175 Intermediate Programming
Spring 2019
Homework 6

Note: for the programming problem, you may reuse or modify your Polynomial program from the previous homework. For this assignment, a Polynomial has an ArrayList of Term objects. (Also, terms should not be stored in a sparse manner, i.e. there is no need to store the terms with coefficients of zero.)

For any program that you implement in Java, hand in printouts of your source code as well as the output of your test cases.

Correctness counts for 40% of your grade. Test cases (which should include both "normal" and "special" cases) count for 30% of the grade. Readability counts for 30%. Note: Stepwise refinement and method decomposition enhances readability! Choose appropriate names for your identifiers. Use comments (Javadoc style), preconditions, postconditions and indentation appropriately. Follow the programming conventions/guidelines we discussed.

The assignment should be done individually.

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