Jeroo exercise: Look Homeward Angel
  1. Set up Jeroo: In a separate browser window, go to Jeroo's website, then download onto your flash-drive/computer the Jeroo program (by clicking "Download Jeroo" then downloading and Beginning Exercises (by clicking on "Activities and Assignments", then downloading After extracting the files from both zip files (right-click on each zip file, then use 7-zip to extract), run the Jeroo program (an executable file named "Jeroo.jar") and use the Jeroo program to open the island (by clicking Island File ... Open) stored in angel.jev (in the BeginningActivities folder: Angel.jev ).
  2. Run the Jeroo program (an executable file named "Jeroo.jar") and use the Jeroo program to open the island (by clicking Island File ... Open) stored in file Angel.jev . Start by copying the sample code in the tutorial provided by the Help menu, then modify the code to get Angel from his starting location (upper-left corner) to his destination (home, in the upper-right corner).
  3. Solve the above problem using this code in the main method tab and this code in the Jeroo methods tab, i.e. methods we are adding to the Jeroo blueprint class. Insert code where specified. (Note: when writing Jeroo methods, Jeroo syntax doesn't allow the Java reserved word: this. Other than this, the statements you write for this exercise will follow Java syntax rules.)