
For this assignment, you have be hired as consultants by RDM Manufacuring. You can find a letter detailing the project here: [PDF]

This project will be group projects. The groups will be in composed of 1-3 people.

Guidelines and Requirements

  1. You are to work in groups of 1, 2, or 3. No groups of 4 or more.
  2. Your group must meet with me by Wednesday, December 9 to discuss an outline of the project. It is up to you to make the appointments.
  3. You must have at least two citations and one credible reference. Wikipedia does not count as a reference.
  4. Your final draft must be written in LaTeX. You can use any program you want to edit and compile, but only turn in the PDF. If I suspect you did not use LaTeX, I will ask you for the TEX file. If you cannot produce it you will recieve no credit for this assignment.
  5. Your final draft should be 3-5 pages in length.
  6. Turn in only one final draft per group.
  7. Make sure and name your PDF as follows: lastname1-lastname2-lastname3-wa2.pdf.
  8. Along with the final draft, each student is to turn in a short (at most 1 page) report describing her/his role in the project as well as the other group members role. This paper must be written in LaTeX. Make sure and name your PDF as follows: lastname-firstname-wa2.pdf.
  9. The final draft must be turned in to me by 11:59pm on Friday, December 18. To submit, just email me the files.
  10. Early submissions are welcome for papers.