Physics 0156-301-01 - Mathematical Methods in Physics I - Fall 1999

W 6:00-8:30 p.m., BLD 211, Dr. H.F. Ahner


Text: Mathematical methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd Edition, Mary L. Boas, Wiley.

Goals for student learning:

Suggested Learning Behaviors:

Expect numerous "surprise" quizzes and exams.

Tentative Schedule (Initially the pace will be governed by the depth of background knowledge possessed by the class and the amount of review that will be necessary).
The goal in setting an appropriate pace will be to maximize your mastery of the material.
Your active, working participation in realizing this goal is essential.
W 9/1 Introduction, Overview, Chapter 1 - Infinite Series
W 9/8
W 9/15
W 9/22
W 9/29
W 10/6
W 10/13
W 10/20
W 10/27
W 11/3
W 11/10
W 11/17
W 11/24
W 12/1
W 12/8
W 12/15 - FINAL EXAM


Your average will be assigned a final letter grade according to the following scheme:

Office: Blodgett 8C, in Physics Department Suite
Office Hours:


Updates of class syllabus at

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