Stages of Program Development

Estimating how long the assignment will take, deciding what features to implement in what order, setting milestones for completion of various parts of the problem by specific dates before the final deadline. In the unlikely event that you make a serious error at this stage, it probably won't be identified until post-mortem.

This stage tends to be intertwined with the "Analysis & Design" stage. You can't develop a good estimate of how long the assignment will take until you've given some thought to how you're going to solve it. On the other hand, one of the things you need to budget time for is analysis & design itself.

Analysis and Design:
For most Scheme programs, this can be broken down into sub-stages: to be done in approximately that order. If you later discover that you made wrong decisions about this stuff, it means an error was created at this stage. Errors created at this stage tend to be harder to repair than those created in implementation.
Writing code in Scheme, Java, C++, or some other formal programming language. Errors created at this stage tend to be things like matching quotation marks, matching parentheses, misspellings, wrong number of arguments, etc. It's possible that you might discover a design error in the process of writing code.

For most Scheme programs, the coding stage can be broken down into sub-stages:

Code review:
You'll probably find a lot of coding errors, and possibly a few design errors, at this point. The only way you can create new errors at this point is by fixing old errors incorrectly.
Compile/Syntax Check
Now it's the computer's turn to scan for mistakes. Use the "Check Syntax" button in DrScheme or the "Compile" button in most Java or C++ development environments. Again, you'll probably find a lot of coding errors, and possibly a few design errors, at this stage, and the only way you can create new errors is by fixing old ones incorrectly.
Testing & Debugging:
If you run your program and it crashes or gives wrong answers, you've discovered a defect in the "testing" stage. It was probably created in either the coding or the design stages. I generally call it a coding error if I had a correct solution in my mind, but typed it in wrong: for example, I used the wrong variable name, or have my parentheses or braces incorrectly positioned (in such a way that it wasn't discovered in code review), or things like that. It's a design error if the solution in my mind was wrong or unworkable.

You're in this stage until the program works correctly (or you turn it in incomplete).

Post Mortem
After you've completed the program, review the process of writing it. What kinds of mistakes did you make, and how can you avoid them (or detect them quickly) in future projects? In the "planning" stage, did you allocate enough (or too much) time to the various stages and milestones? Were your initial estimates too high, too low, or pretty close to reality? Where did you waste a lot of time? Where did you use your time well?

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Last modified: Thu Aug 21 09:46:51 EDT 2003
Stephen Bloch /