CSC 453
Operating Systems
This course meets from 9:25 - 10:40 AM TTh in Business 33. We'll use the
textbook Operating
System Concepts, by Silberschatz and Galvin. This book, in earlier
editions, has become probably the most popular textbook for undergraduate
operating-systems courses. The new fifth edition, at almost 900 pages,
includes more information than we can possibly cover in one semester,
but I recommend that you keep it after the course is over for reference
is available in LaTeX,
Postscript, and
A schedule of lectures tells
what I plan to talk about, and what I expect you to have read, by each
class meeting.
I taught this course in Spring 1996 as well,
and a few handouts are still available from that class.
Homework assignments
- Homework 1 assigned 19 Feb, due 3 Mar.
- Choose ten of the following twenty problems in the textbook:
2.1, 2.3 -- 2.5 (for 2.5, I want reasons, not just yes/no answers)
4.2 -- 4.8
5.2 -- 5.10
- Homework 2 assigned 9 April, due 23 April
- Choose six of the following eleven problems, at least two from each
8.5, 8.6, 8.8
9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.9, 9.11, 9.18
Reading assignments
By Thursday, April 16, you should have read chapters 1-11 and 15-16
in the textbook.
Last modified:
Thu Apr 16 09:12:07 EDT 1998
Stephen Bloch /