CSC 371
Systems I

Homework 3

Assigned Oct. 21, due Oct. 30

Problems from Chapter 5:
Problems from Chapter 6:
Additional problem 1:
Suppose you are given a large (hundreds or thousands) sorted list of positive floating-point numbers, and you are told to add them up. Should you add them from smallest to largest, largest to smallest, or does it make no difference? Why?
Additional problem 2:
The IBM 370 used a floating-point format somewhat like the modern IEEE standard (which hadn't been invented yet), but not quite the same. The biggest difference was that the exponent field was treated as a power of 16, rather than as a power of 2. Thus for example the number 80 = 5 * 16 would be normalized to 1.010000... * 26 in IEEE, but to 0.101000... * 162 in IBM 370. Discuss the pros and cons of this approach in contrast to the IEEE standard, with particular attention to precision and accuracy.
Last modified: Tue Oct 21 15:01:52 EDT 1997
Stephen Bloch /