CSC 344
Algorithms and Complexity

Dr. Stephen Bloch

Spring, 2008

This course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:40-2:55 PM in either Hagedorn 105 or Alumnae 116 or somewhere else. The last time I taught this course was Spring 2007.

See the syllabus (which is finally up!) for more details.

The textbook Analysis of Algorithms: an Active Learning Approach, by Jeffrey McConnell, is required. It's been ordered by the Adelphi bookstore; it's probably also available for slightly less money from and Barnes & Noble.

An updated schedule contains the latest updates to homework due dates, lecture topics, etc. Please check the schedule regularly and keep up on the assigned reading!

Homework Assignments

I'll assign several homework assignments during the semester, a mix of "analysis on paper" assignments, programming assignments, and pseudocode assignments.

Reading and Support

Getting Help

My office hours are TBA.

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