CSC 333

Homework 2

Assigned Sept. 21, due Sept. 28

[sample program output] Since several of you are in Dr. Hammerman's Data Structures class and studying linked lists, I thought we might try writing a program that she (or any Data Structures teacher) could use to illustrate the behavior of linked lists, using box-and-arrow notation, and her students could use to understand their lists more vividly. (For anybody who's NOT in Data Structures class, an example of the notation is at right; talk to somebody in the class to find out what it means.) We'll build this up gradually through the next several homework assignments (or until we get bored with it and want to work on a different project).

For this homework assignment, you are to go through the steps of Functional Analysis in chapter 2 of the textbook. Give me a detailed functional analysis of the problem: intended audience, high-level tasks, sample scenarios, information inventory, low-level events, etc. The result should probably be at least 3-5 pages long, perhaps including pictures to illustrate the problem and diagrams of the classes necessary to solve it. Your grade will be based on how effectively you've answered the questions in Chapter 2.

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