CSC 270 Student Survey

Fall, 2005

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Do you have a computer at home? If so, what kind? If several, what kind do you use most often at home?

For each of the following programming skills, please rate your level of expertise. (I expect that many of them will be "Never Used" at the beginning of the semester, and a few of them will still be "Never Used" at the end of the semester.)

Language-independent skills

Use good names for variables, constants, functions, and types, in accordance with the conventions of the language
Use indentation, white space, and comments appropriately for readability
Re-use functions or "factor out" common code rather than duplicating code
Use named constants or the equivalent rather than "magic numbers", for modifiability
Design functions and types to be easily re-used, modified, and extended
Parse statements and expressions by hand:
    construct a hierarchical parse tree
    decide whether the statement or expression is syntactically legal
    identify the types of all subexpressions
    evaluate all subexpressions

C Language Skills

declare and use simple variables, both local and global
write and use functions, both void and with return types
declare and use function parameters
declare and use pointer variables and the "address-of" operator
declare and use arrays, 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional
declare and use C-style strings (i.e character arrays)
declare and use structs
use common algebraic operators: +, -, *, /, %, <, >, ==, <=, >=, &&, ||, !
use assignment, autoincrement and autodecrement operators: =, +=, -=, ++, --
use "if", "if...else", "while", "for" statements for flow of control
use #include statements for standard system libraries
perform formatted output with printf
perform formatted input with scanf
perform unformatted input with getchar, gets
declare and use named constants
declare and use enumerated types
use standard math routines from math.h
allocate and deallocate heap memory (malloc, calloc, free)
use "do...while", "switch", "break", and "continue" statements for flow of control
manipulate files with fopen, fclose
perform formatted output with sprintf, fprintf
perform formatted input with sscanf, fscanf, feof
perform unformatted input with fgetc, fgets, ungetc
write code in multiple, separately-compiled source files
write and use #include files for common declarations
use conditional compilation to avoid multiple includes
use typedef to localize data-type dependencies
use explicit type casting, including casting pointers
use the "assert" macro
use conditional compilation for other purposes, e.g. architecture dependencies, compiler options

C++ Language Skills

declare and use simple variables, both local and global
write and use functions, both void and with return types
declare and use function parameters
declare and use arrays, 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional
declare and use C++-style strings
declare and use classes with data members (i.e. instance variables)
declare and use non-static "member functions" (i.e. methods) of classes
declare and use class constructors
use common algebraic operators: +, -, *, /, %, <, >, ==, <=, >=, &&, ||, !, string concatenation
use assignment, autoincrement and autodecrement operators: =, +=, -=, ++, --
use "if", "if...else", "while", "for" statements for flow of control
use #include statements for standard system libraries
perform buffered, formatted output with "<<"
perform buffered, formatted input with ">>"
use composition of classes, and know when to do so
use inheritance of classes, and know when to do so
declare and use private and public members, and know when to do so
override member functions and constructors of base classes in derived classes
invoke member functions and constructors of base classes in derived classes
declare and use virtual (run-time-polymorphic) member functions; be able to predict by looking at the code which version of a member function will be invoked
declare "pure virtual" functions, and know when to do so
overload functions, member functions, and constructors, i.e. write several w/same name but different parameters
declare and use function parameters with default values
declare and use named constants
declare and use enumerated types
use standard math routines from math.h
declare and use pointer variables and the "address-of" operator
declare and use reference parameters and reference return types
declare and use const parameters and const return types
use "do...while", "switch", "break", and "continue" statements for flow of control
manipulate files with ifstream, ofstream
do formatting and parsing with sstream
allocate and deallocate heap memory (new, dispose)
write code in multiple, separately-compiled source files
write and use #include files for common declarations
use conditional compilation to avoid multiple includes
use typedef to localize data-type dependencies
use explicit C-style type casting
declare and use static "member functions" (i.e. methods) of classes
declare and use protected members, and know when to do so
declare and use default and copy constructors
overload "<<" and ">>" for user-defined classes
write "const" member functions, and know when to do so
use dynamic_cast; know the difference between this and C-style casting
declare and use namespaces and "using" declarations/directives
write "try...catch..." blocks to handle standard exceptions
declare and throw user-defined exceptions; write "try...catch..." blocks to handle them
declare and use classes with private inheritance; know when to do so
use the "assert" macro
declare and use classes with multiple inheritance; know when to do so, and the pitfalls of multiple inheritance
use template-based standard container classes (e.g. vector, list) and their iterators
use conditional compilation for other purposes, e.g. architecture dependencies, compiler options
use static_cast and const_cast, and know the differences between these, dynamic_cast, and C-style casting
declare and use unnamed namespaces, compose namespaces, etc.
define template-based classes and functions
write constructors with initializers
overload operators other than "<<" and ">>"
use pointers to functions
use pointers to member functions

Java Language Skills

(If you can do all the Java "essential" and "important" things, you should be prepared for the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam.)

declare and use simple local variables
write and use methods, both void and with return types, and both static and non-static
declare and use Strings and their standard methods
declare and use method parameters
declare, allocate, and use arrays (including finding their lengths), both 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional
use common algebraic operators: +, -, *, /, %, <, >, ==, <=, >=, &&, ||, !, String concatenation
Know the difference between == and equals
use assignment, autoincrement and autodecrement operators: =, +=, -=, ++, --
use "if", "if...else", "while", "for" statements for flow of control
write code in multiple, separately-compiled source files
allocate heap memory (new)
declare and use classes with instance variables
declare and use class constructors; know whether there's a default constructor
perform buffered text output with "print", "println", and "toString"
define classes by composition, and know when to do so
define classes by inheritance, and know when to do so
declare and use private and public methods and instance variables, and know when to do so
override methods and constructors of superclasses in subclasses
invoke methods and constructors of superclasses in subclasses
be able to predict by looking at the code which version of a method will be invoked
override the standard "toString" method
declare and use abstract classes and abstract methods
declare and use interfaces (i.e. super-abstract classes), and know when to do so
write "try...catch..." blocks to handle standard exceptions
know the ranges of primitive types, and the syntax for their literals
overload functions, methods, and constructors, i.e. write several w/same name but different parameters
declare and use named constants
use "import" statements
use standard math routines from the Math class
use javadoc comments appropriately
use "do...while", "switch", "break", and "continue" statements
use explicit type casting; know how it differs from C-style casting
write Applets, overriding the standard methods such as init and paint
use standard GUI components such as JButton, JLabel, JTextField, etc.
use standard layout managers such as FlowLayout, GridLayout, BorderLayout, etc. to position GUI components on the screen
handle asynchronous input events from the keyboard, mouse, and GUI components via the "listener" mechanism
separate the internal model of a display from its graphical appearance and user-interaction behavior (the "model-view-controller framework")
perform buffered input with "read", "Integer.parseInt", etc.
use Files, InputStreams, OutputStreams, etc.
access networked resources with URL's
use "assert" statements
declare and use packages
declare and use protected and default (package-private) methods and instance variables, and know when to do so
declare and throw user-defined exceptions; write "try...catch..." blocks to handle them
use standard wrapper classes (e.g. Integer, Double)
use standard container classes (e.g. ArrayList, LinkedList) and their Iterators
define and use anonymous and named inner classes, and know when to do so
write wait-loops using Thread.sleep
declare and use final parameters
declare classes and/or methods final, and know when to do so
override the standard "equals" and "hashCode" methods
write multi-threaded code using Runnable or subclassing Thread
synchronize threads using "synchronized", Thread.join, Thread.wait, and Thread.notify
use Loggers
use and define generic types (new in 1.5)
use and define enum types (new in 1.5)
use the built-in Scanner class (new in 1.5) to parse input
use Observers and Observables to implement the model-view-controller framework
write Servlets
write methods with a variable number of arguments (new in 1.5)

Scheme language skills

define and use simple variables
define and use functions, with and without parameters
define, instantiate, and use structs
write functions which take and/or return structs
use common built-in operators: +, -, *, /, remainder, <, >, =, <=, >=, and, or, not, equals
use built-in list operations such as car/first, cdr/rest, cons, list, length
write functions which take and/or return lists
use "cond", function composition, and recursion for flow of control
define and use local variables, and know when to do so
define, instantiate, and use other recursive data types such as binary and N-ary trees; write functions which take and/or return such data types
define functions "on the fly" with lambda or local
perform simple I/O with display, read, write, and newline
use built-in higher-order functions such as map, filter-if, count-if, apply, ...  
write functions that take and/or return functions
modify variables with set!
modify struct fields with set-struct-fieldname!
define structs by inheritance
perform formatted output with format
perform file I/O with with-input-from-file and with-output-to-file
organize code in modules
throw and catch exceptions
use continuations for flow of control
create and use vectors
use "do" for iteration
write servlets, cgi scripts, XML clients, etc.

Prolog language skills

identify, given two expressions containing variables, whether and how they unify
identify, given a query and a rule base, which rule(s) will match in what order
write rules with and without hypotheses, with and without variables
use "is" to do arithmetic computations
write recursive rules; know how to avoid infinite recursion
use symbols to represent non-numeric data
use "assert" and "retract" to modify the rule base from within a program
create and build structures
create and use lists; unify head and tail of list; write recursive rules on lists
use "write" and "nl" for simple I/O
use "repeat" and "fail" to produce loops
use "!" ("cut") for efficiency
define operators with specified associativity and precedence
operate on lists in difference-list representation

Last modified: Tue Sep 2 12:04:35 EDT 2003
Stephen Bloch /