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I expect to give nine or ten programming assignments -- roughly one a week, due the following week. Most assignments are to be turned in by email, and will be considered late if the time stamp on the email is after midnight on the assigned due date. Assignments turned in up to a day late lose 30% credit; those up to two days late lose 60% credit; and beyond that, they'll lose 90% credit (i.e. the best grade you can hope for is 10%.)

We'll also have a two-hour final exam on May 11, weighted the same as a programming assignment: that is, if there are 9 programming assignments, then each of them will be worth 10% of your semester grade, and the final exam will also be worth 10%. The final exam must be taken at the scheduled time, unless arranged in advance or prevented by a documented medical or family emergency. If you have three or more exams scheduled on the same date, or a religious holiday that conflicts with an exam or assignment due date, please notify me in writing within the first two weeks of the semester in order to receive due consideration. Exams not taken without one of the above excuses will be recorded with a grade of 0.

Stephen Bloch
Mon Jan 25 14:33:12 EST 1999