For each method, be sure to follow the design recipe for methods.
For each animation, be sure to follow the design recipe for animations.
Be sure to choose meaningful names for methods and parameters, and watch for opportunities to re-use methods you, I, or Dr. Stemkoski have already written.
Also turn in a log of how many errors of different kinds you encountered in the assignment, with brief comments describing each one ("mismatched parentheses" is self-explanatory, but more complex errors might need more description). You may do this using the PSP forms, or simply by keeping track in a text file or on paper and turning it in.
You are encouraged to do this in teams of two students; turn in one copy of the project with both names on it (in the README file or in comments in the Java source files). Even if you do the assignment without a partner, make sure your name is on it.
I encourage you to copy the type-parameterized List
, Empty
, and NEL
classes from the lecture code posted on Moodle (e.g. April 15
version 2), and use these classes without alteration.
Choose one of the IntList methods from homework 5, and re-implement
it in a separate class as a static method that takes in an explicit
parameter of type List<Integer>
(You can recycle the test cases, except that instead of calling
something like
you'll call
Re-implement the sort
method from
lecture (and its helper, insertInOrder
in a separate class as a static method with an explicit
parameter. (Again, you can recycle the
test cases.)
Extra credit: write a static method
that takes in a List<Integer>
and returns a List<List<Integer>>
representing all possible subsets of the numbers
in the original list, once each. For example, if oneTwoThree
represented the list [1, 2, 3]
, then
might produce
[[], [3], [2], [2, 3], [1], [1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]](Your method may produce results in a different order, as long as it produces the right subsets. This is the order that my definition produced, so you might want to try this approach: all the lists that don't contain 1, followed by all the lists that do contain 1.) You may assume that all the numbers in the input list are distinct.
Extra credit: write a static method
that takes in a List<Integer>
and returns a List<List<Integer>>
all possible orderings of the elements in the original list, once each,
for example, scramble(oneTwoThree)
might produce
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [1, 3, 2], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1], [3, 2, 1]]Again, you may assume that all the numbers in the input list are distinct.
Hint: This one is harder than subsets
probably requiring several helper methods.
Write a static method countVowels
takes in a String and counts the vowels (any of the letters "a", "e",
"i", "o", or "u") it contains, by looking at each character in turn.
You may assume there are no capital letters (or, if you prefer, you may
treat upper- and lower-case letters the same).
Write a static method replaceChar
takes in a one-character String and two (possibly longer) Strings: it
replaces the first character with the second string wherever it appears
in the third string. For example,
t.checkExpect(replaceChar("r", "fnord", "reference librarian"), "fnordefefnordence libfnordafnordian");
Hint: Use the usual String-processing template on the third String; don't take apart the other two.
Write a static method countDown
that takes in an int and produces a list of the integers from it down to
0. For example, countDown(4)
would produce
[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
. What would be an appropriate right answer
if the input is negative?
Write a static method addUntilNeg
that reads in a sequence of integers from an input stream and adds them
all together. The input is terminated by a negative number, which should not
be included in the sum.
Write a static method countLongLines
that takes in an int and an input source (represented as a Scanner),
then reads a sequence of lines from the input stream and counts how many
of the lines have more than the specified number of words on them.
(A "word" can be defined as anything between blocks of white space.)
For example,
countLongLines(3,new Scanner(
would count how
many of the lines in the input have 4 or more words on them.
Hint: It may help to first write a static
method that takes in a String and returns a list of
words in it.
Extra credit: write a static method
that takes in a String and converts it to "Pig
Latin": for each word, if it starts with a vowel, add "way" to the end
of the word, and if it starts with a consonant, move that consonant to
the end of the word and add "ay". You may assume for simplicity that
there are no upper-case letters, numbers, or punctuation. For example,
t.checkExpect(pigLatin("hi boys and girls"), "ihay oysbay andway irlsgay");
Error log: /50
(I'm not grading on how many or how few errors you encountered,
only on whether you recorded them adequately.)
Programming: To save time and get you feedback more quickly, we won't grade all of the problems, but a selection of them. Each animation requires writing a class with two or more methods; in some cases you'll also need to write a new class to be the model.
Following directions | /10 |
Writing contracts from word problems | /10 |
Choosing test cases | /10 |
Choosing names; readability | /10 |
Coding | /10 |
Code re-use and function composition | /10 |