Date |
Assignment |
Reading |
Subject |
01/26/09 |
HW1 |
lecture: Administrivia, levels of knowledge |
01/26/09 |
lab: expressions, syntax & box diagrams; int and String |
01/28/09 |
lecture: variables, method calls on Strings |
01/28/09 |
lab: writing expressions with "place-holder" variables; methods |
01/30/09 |
HW2 |
PSP chaps. 1, 11 |
lecture: design recipe |
02/02/09 |
PSP chap. 12 |
lecture: tracking time, tracking errors; int
vs. double |
02/02/09 |
lab: practice writing methods with design recipe |
02/04/09 |
Gee chap. 0 |
lecture: Writing multi-function programs; re-using functions |
02/04/09 |
lab: |
02/06/09 |
HW1 due |
PSP chaps. 13-14 |
lecture: finding & fixing defects |
02/09/09 |
Last day to add classes |
02/09/09 |
Gee chap. 1 |
lecture: classes with fields; non-static methods; this |
02/09/09 |
lab: |
02/11/09 |
HW2 due; HW3 |
Gee chap. 2 |
lecture: automated testing & the design recipe |
02/11/09 |
lab: |
02/13/09 |
PSP chaps. 2-3 |
lecture: tracking time |
02/16/09 |
Gee chap. 3 |
lecture: Booleans and functions that return them |
02/16/09 |
lab: practice; group code review |
02/18/09 |
lecture: making decisions with "if" and "else" |
02/18/09 |
HW4 |
lab: |
02/20/09 |
PSP chaps. 4-5 |
lecture: planning time |
02/23/09 |
Last day to drop classes |
02/23/09 |
HW3 due |
Gee chap. 4 |
lecture: inheritance and polymorphism |
02/23/09 |
HW5 |
lab: |
02/25/09 |
HW4 due |
Gee chap. 5 |
lecture: classes that refer to other classes |
02/25/09 |
lab: practice; group code review |
02/27/09 |
PSP chap. 6 |
lecture: the size of programs |
03/02/09 |
Classes cancelled due to weather |
03/04/09 |
HW6 |
lecture: building lists and writing methods on lists |
03/04/09 |
HW5 due |
lab: |
03/06/09 |
lecture: writing methods that return lists |
03/09/09 |
Gee chap. 6 |
lecture: Another example of a "provider" class |
03/09/09 |
lab: |
03/11/09 |
HW7 |
lecture: More list examples; recursive auxiliary functions; generic lists |
03/11/09 |
lab: |
03/13/09 |
HW6 due |
PSP chap. 7-8 |
lecture: managing time & commitments |
03/16/09 |
Spring Break: no classes |
03/18/09 |
03/20/09 |
03/23/09 |
Gee chap. 7 |
lecture: collections, generics |
03/23/09 |
lab: |
03/25/09 |
HW7 due |
lecture: loops |
03/25/09 |
lab: |
03/27/09 |
PSP chaps. 9-10 |
lecture: project schedules and plans |
03/30/09 |
Last day to withdraw from classes |
03/30/09 |
Gee chap. 8 |
lecture: collections, part 2 |
03/30/09 |
lab: |
04/01/09 |
lecture: collections, part 2 |
04/01/09 |
lab: |
04/03/09 |
PSP chaps. 15-16 |
lecture: planning for defects |
04/06/09 |
Gee chap. 9 |
lecture: collections, part 3 |
04/06/09 |
HW8 |
lab: |
04/08/09 |
lecture: |
04/08/09 |
lab: |
04/10/09 |
PSP chaps. 17-18 |
lecture: design defects |
04/13/09 |
HW9 |
Gee chap. 10 |
lecture: collections, part 4 |
04/13/09 |
lab: |
04/15/09 |
lecture: |
04/15/09 |
lab: |
04/17/09 |
HW8 due |
PSP chaps. 19-20 |
lecture: software quality |
04/20/09 |
"Research Day": no classes |
04/22/09 |
Gee chap. 11 |
lecture: exceptions |
04/22/09 |
lab: |
04/24/09 |
I'm away at a conference: no class |
04/27/09 |
HW9 due |
Gee chap. 14 |
lecture: graphical user interfaces |
04/27/69 |
lab: |
04/29/09 |
lecture: responding to events |
04/29/09 |
lab: |
05/01/09 |
lecture: time-based events |
05/04/09 |
HW10 |
lecture: text I/O |
05/04/09 |
lab: working with text I/O |
05/06/09 |
lecture: tracing and invariants, recursion and loops |
05/06/09 |
lab: |
05/08/09 |
lecture: recipe for a loop |
05/11/09 |
Gee Chap. 18 |
lecture: design patterns and software design |
05/11/09 |
lab: work on homework |
05/12/09 |
lecture: review for final exam |
05/12/09 |
HW10 due |
lab: absolute homework deadline |
05/18/09 |
171 final exam, 10:30-12:30 |