Sample log file for the Person problem, HW2

Here's one possible way to set up your log file. It's not complete -- you'll have to fill in where I've left "..." -- and you'll presumably put your own errors and comments in place of mine.

Version 1:
Class name: Person
Instance variables:
	firstName of type String

Test cases:
Person steve = new Person();
steve.firstName = "Steve";
steve.firstName // should be "Steve"

1) I originally left out the parentheses after "new Person" in writing
test cases.  Discovered in testing.  Prevention: proofread the test
cases as well as the program itself!

Version 2:
Method name: toString
Return type: String
Parameters: none

Test cases:
Errors: none

Version 3:
Method name: olderThan
Return type: boolean
	other of type Person

Test cases:


Version 4:
Method name: it's a constructor, so it doesn't have one.
Return type: Person
  [the return type of a constructor is ALWAYS the same as the class it's in]

Test cases:


Stephen Bloch /