CSC 171
Introduction to Computer Programming
Fall, 1998
including meeting time and place, textbooks, etc.
is available in LaTeX,
DVI, and
An updated schedule will
contain the latest updates to homework due dates, lecture topics, etc.
Please check the schedule regularly and keep up on the assigned reading!
I'll try to give a homework assignment every week, due the following
week. This means they'll have to be pretty short, becoming more
ambitious and building on one another as the semester progresses.
- All sections, 9/10/98:
I've modified the files
, and added a Rings.mcp
, in the
folder. Please download these corrected versions,
so you can use them as a basis for homework 2.
- All sections, 9/21/98:
To make it a little easier for you to experiment with the examples
in the Felleisen & Friedman book, I've typed in a bunch of the
examples as CodeWarrior projects. See my
Felleisen & Friedman Examples Folder.
- All sections, 9/29/98:
As a number of people had trouble today with renaming their programs,
I've written detailed instructions on this as part of
Homework 3.
- Morning sections, 10/27/98; evening section, 11/17/98:
I've put my
class online, showing a
sequence of seven different versions that I went through in the
course of writing it, and what was wrong with each of them. An
instructive example. See my
folder examples/io/FileWriter.
- All sections, 10/29/98:
Lab assistant Pete Alois will have regular hours in one or the
other of our labs:
- Mondays 12:30 - 3:00 PM
- Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:00 PM (or a little later)
His primary job is to help with quill-pen stuff -- how to use
CodeWarrior, how to put your files in the right folder, how to
name your files, how to email files to me for grading, etc. --
but he can help you track down Java error messages too.
- All sections, 11/6/98: I've downloaded and installed all
the sample programs from the Arnow & Weiss textbook; they're
in the downloads folder under
AW_code. For example, the
is there for downloading, in two
versions, in case you don't feel like typing it in yourself.
- All sections, 11/12/98:
In response to various students' pleas to back up and refresh
their memory on "the basics", we spent this week's class periods
on a hands-on programming exercise,
from creating a new project to defining a class with a variety
of useful methods and instance variables. If you weren't in
class these two days, please work through the exercise!
Reading Assignments
- The Downloads Directory (or
"Downloads Folder", if you prefer).
This is a good place to practice moving around in a hierarchical
directory structure.
- Boilerplate web page,
to be modified and personalized as you wish.
- The Buggles Folder, which
contains a bunch of stuff you need for homework 2.
For further information
- Java and OOP
- Object
Oriented Programming FAQ
- Instant Java, another
Java book that provides a large collection of sample applets on
the Web
- Wired on Java an
on-line Java instruction site with tutorials
- Documentation
files for the Java API, version 1.0.2 (all the common built-in
classes, like System, Math, Polygon, Applet, etc.)
- Documentation
files for the Java API, version 1.1.6 (which makes text I/O
and event-handling easier,
but not all common browsers understand it yet,
so if you write applets depending on it,
some people won't be able to run them.)
- CSC 390, the Java course I taught in the
summer of 1997.
- Java example programs
- HTML and Web-site authoring
(Warning: you can easily spend much too much
time on this, considering it'll all be obsolete in a year or two!)
- W3C's HTML Page,
where you'll find definitive information about the latest
version of HTML.
- HTML Goodies, a
collection of lot of tutorials and examples of stuff you can
do with HTML.
-, a
site containing lots of tips, tricks, and
suggestions for writing better pages and sites.
- Using the Adelphi computer systems
- The Adelphi
Help Desk page
- Computing in general
Last modified:
Stephen Bloch /