CSC 160 Examples
Summer I, 2005
Examples 1-10 require loading the
- example1.scm
- A blue ball that does nothing.
- example2.scm
- A blue ball that gets 1 pixel bigger each
- example3.scm
- A text string that gets an additional letter
each second.
- example4.scm
A digital counter that increases by one each half second.
- example5.scm
- A blue ball that gets 1 pixel bigger each half
second, up to a limit, at which point the animation ends.
- example6.scm
- A blue ball that moves left or right if you
press the left or right arrow key on the keyboard.
- example7.scm
- A blue ball that moves left, right, up, or down
when you press the corresponding arrow key on the keyboard.
Uses posn
- example8.scm
- The same, but re-structured with auxiliary
- example9.scm
- The same,
but switching colors between red and green every second. Uses a
user-defined structure
- example10.scm
- The same,
with a slightly different definition of the user-defined structure.
- animations.tar
- Examples 1-10 in
a single downloadable file
- stutter-template.scm
- The first stage of the
function; your job is to
pick an example, annotate it with values for that example, and finish
the definition.
- remove-over-100-template.scm
- The first stage of the
function; your job is to
pick an example, annotate it with values for that example, and finish
the definition.
- day16.scm
- Some examples of higher-order functions:
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