CSC 160
Computer Programming for Non-Majors

Spring, 2005

Syllabus Calendar Homework PSP Textbook Examples Design recipes

This course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05 to 4:20 PM in Science 227. The last time I taught this course was Summer 2004.

Getting Help

My office hours (in Alumnae Hall 113A; if I'm not there, look around the corner in the 112 lab) are

Tutor Denis Diakoniarakis will be holding office hours, probably in Alumnæ Hall 112, tentatively

The Learning Center has several tutors who may be able to help with this course (or they may not, if they haven't taken it themselves):

Andrew is also available 12:15-2:15 most Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Alumnæ 114 computer lab.


The main textbook for this class is How to Design Programs, by Felleisen, Fisler, Flatt, and Krishnamurthi, published by MIT Press. The text of the book is available on-line, but I've also ordered the printed version through the bookstore; you are encouraged, but not required to buy the printed version.
This textbook uses the Scheme programming language. Why Scheme rather than C++ or Java?

Recipes and Syntax Rules

You'll get through this course a lot more easily if you follow the design recipes! Here are the recipes and syntax rules we've seen so far, and you can also read about the spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and idioms of Scheme.

Software support

We use the software package DrScheme, which is available for free download for Windows, Mac, and Unix.

Jan 26: Please download and install the teachpack; see here for directions.

I've set up some forms for entering and viewing PSP data. You may use these forms to record defect and time information. To use the forms successfully, make sure your browser accepts JavaScript and cookies. (For those with a moral opposition to cookies, I assure you that they're all "temporary" -- they disappear as soon as you quit the browser.)

Reading List

Who should take this course?

This course is intended primarily for people who have not previously studied computer programming, primarily non-majors. CS majors are allowed to take the course, and will almost certainly learn something, but this course isn't part of the CS major. For non-majors, this course counts towards your math/science distribution requirement.

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