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Most homework assignments in this course involve writing, testing, and debugging one or more programs. For most of these assignments, you are to work in teams of two students, switching teams from one assignment to the next, if at all possible. (If you have a really terrible schedule and can't get together with a partner, talk to me and we'll arrange something.)

When I say ``teams of two students'', I don't mean ``you write the first half of the assignment, and I'll write the second half''; I want both students working together on all of the assignment, using the techniques of Pair Programming (on which I'll give you a reading assignment). I expect people to switch partners from one assignment to the next, so you get experience working with different people.

It's hard to define what constitutes ``cheating'' in this sort of course. Students are encouraged to help one another with level-1 and level-2 difficulties (``how do I save this file?'', ``what's the syntax for define-struct?'', etc.), regardless of whether they're on the same team, but designing, coding, testing, and debugging should be done by the one or two people whose names are on the assignment.

It's remarkably easy for a professor to notice when three different teams have turned in nearly-identical programs; if that happens, I'll grade it once and divide the credit among the three, so the best any of them can hope for is 33%. I don't try to figure out who copied from whom; it is your responsibility to not let anyone copy your homework. Among other things, that means don't leave it on the ``Universal Share'' drive, because anyone at Adelphi can copy it and even delete it.

All work on the final exam and the quizzes must be entirely the work of the one person whose name is at the top of the page. If I have evidence that one student copied from another on an exam or quiz, both students will be penalized; see above.

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