CSC 160
Homework 10

Assigned 1 Dec, due 10 Dec

Essay, to be written individually

Re-read the adages page, the material on Pair Programming, and perhaps this article on computational thinking for non-computer-scientists. Choose one (or several closely-related) adages, or one longer article, that mean more to you than they did at the beginning of the term.

Write an essay of one to five well-structured paragraphs on what this adage really means in practice. Do you agree or disagree? Support your claims with specific examples from your experience this semester.

You may also want to comment on your experience of Pair Programming: how well did it work, what were the advantages and disadvantages, what would make it work better, etc.?

Programming problems

Do not turn these in: I won't have time to grade them anyway. However, they're good exercises to do, and will help you prepare for the final exam.

Problems on natural numbers, covered Nov 24

Problems involving higher-order functions, covered Dec 1

For these problems, you'll need to be in DrScheme's Intermediate language.

Problems using mutation, covered Dec 3

For these problems, you'll need to be in DrScheme's Advanced language.

What to turn in and how

The essay should be written individually and turned in with one name at the top. The programming problems should not be turned in. You are free to work with anybody you wish in solving them. Call it a study group.

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Stephen Bloch /