Important Terms and Concepts

Whenever you take a course, or read a book, it's important to identify the most important terms and concepts. Watch out for words that the author (of a book) or instructor (of a course) uses over and over; if you understand what the author or instructor means by those words, you're well on the way to understanding the whole course. So here's a preview of what I think are the most important terms and concepts in this course. Note that these terms are used essentially the same way in all programming languages and all programming courses, so if you "get" them here, you have a head start on other courses and other languages.

In particular, information that's in a form the computer can understand.
A "box" that can hold a single piece of information. Note that the same box may hold different information at different times, but it can always be referred to by the same name.
An individual object of a particular kind. For example, Adelphi is an instance of University, green is an instance of color, and 7 is an instance of number.
A thing that takes in some information, does something to it, and produces some new information.
In general, we're interested in functions that can solve many different instances of the same problem, depending on what information they are given. For example, "+" is a function that takes in two pieces of numeric information and produces another number, their sum. "1 + 1" and "3 + 4" are two different instances of the same problem, "add two numbers". The "+" function should work correctly no matter what two numbers you apply it to.
Almost-synonymous terms: operator, method, subroutine.
The act of adding something new to the programming language, so it can be used subsequently. We'll define, at various times in the semester, three kinds of things: new variables, new functions, and new data types.
Two closely-related terms.
A parameter is a "placeholder" variable which a function can use to refer to a piece of information it was given. It appears only inside the definition of the function.
An argument is a specific piece of information given to a function. It appears only inside a use or call of the function.
They must match up: the first parameter in the definition will be "filled in" with the first argument in the function call, the second parameter with the second argument, etc.
Data type
Any of the various kinds of information. For example, numbers, names, colors, true/false values, coordinate pairs, student records, lists, etc. are each data types. Knowing what type of information a function takes in, and what type of information it produces, is crucial to defining the function.
Contract (sometimes called a Signature)
A "promise" about how a particular function can be used. For example, the statement above that
"+" is a function that takes in two pieces of numeric information and produces another number, their sum
is a contract for the "+" function. A contract specifies the name of the function, how many pieces of information of what types it depends on, and what type of information it produces. Optionally, the contract may also specify some relationship between the result and the input(s), but it should not specify how the function achieves this goal.

Those are the big ones. I'm sure I'll think of a few more as the semester goes on.